2 Things Women Can Do Tonight to Become Exceptional Lovers

Molly Carter
3 min readOct 8, 2021

And neither one have to do with sucking his dick.

Photo by Womanizer Toys on Unsplash

You can find all sorts of information out there on how to have better sex. On how to give a good blow job or how fuck like a porn star. But skill only goes so far and doesn’t always translate into the best sex ever.

So today I want to share two things you can do tonight that will make you not only a better lover but an exceptional one. Best part is, you don’t need any skill set or the lack of a gag reflex to make them happen!

Here it is. The two things that transform a woman into an amazing lover: participate and show some damn enthusiasm.


The number one thing you can do to be an exceptional lover is participate. Engage in the sexual act. No one wants to fuck a dead fish, so don’t just lay there. Touch your partner. Kiss them. Stroke them. Rub your clitoris. Pinch his nipple. Pinch your nipple. Pull his ear between your lips. Move against him. Grind your pussy on his leg.

I don’t care what it is, but do something to get involved in your lovemaking. Believe me, your partner will appreciate it.



Molly Carter

I’m a professional writer and intimacy coach. Just out here in the world, helping people have more fun and experience more pleasure in life.