4 Secrets Women Won’t Ever Tell Men

Molly Carter
6 min readJun 24, 2021

Don’t be mad at me if you wish you’d have been left in the dark.

4 women laughing together
Photo by Gemma Chua-Tran on Unsplash

In no particular order, here are four secrets women would probably prefer I not share with you. Once you know them, you may have wished you didn’t know.

You’ve been warned. Don’t point the finger at me, saying you want to undo what you just did. Sorry, life doesn’t work that way.

women on floor laughing
Photo by Igor Rodrigues on Unsplash

We pee our pants.

I should preface this by saying that it’s most often those of us who’ve experienced vaginal delivery. Called stress incontinence, it happens when we sneeze, when we cough. Sometimes when we strain real hard. I’ve been known to yell at my children so loud that I’ve piddled my pants. Not something I’m proud of, but it’s truth.

Or when we’re with our ladies and laughing. Like cracking-the-fuck-up laughing. You know what I’m talking about, when you’re bent over because your stomach’s aching and you’re crying and then. Suddenly. Your panties get wet, followed by your jeans.

And that makes you laugh even harder. And if you announce it, tell your peeps that you just pissed your pants, sometimes it makes another pants wetter…



Molly Carter

I’m a professional writer and intimacy coach. Just out here in the world, helping people have more fun and experience more pleasure in life.